The problem is three fish passage barrier culverts on Bush Creek northeast of Elma, Washington, blocking fish access to 8.44 miles of upstream habitat. The degraded watershed process this project addresses is fish migration access to upstream spawning and rearing habitat. The solution is to design and permit projects to remove the barrier culverts and replace them with structures that are passable to all species and life stages of salmonids and other aquatic species in Bush Creek. Project components include completing topographical surveys, engineering, design drawings and permitting for the three barrier sites. The resulting materials will be used to apply for future grants for project construction.
Cultural Resources DHAP coordination was completed through the Corps Nationwide permitting process. No cultural resource concerns were identified and no further work regarding cultural resources was required.
Topographical surveys, engineering, final designs and permitting were completed for all 3 sites covered in this grant.
No cost or scope amendments were necessary.