Description -- Phase 1 (levee base improvement) involves expanding the inside width of the existing levee without increasing levee elevation or causing any measurable adverse impact or effect. Phase 1 will improve the base of the levee and result in an additional 32 acre feet of fill inside the existing levee. The fill required for this levee project is less than one percent of the overall airport property volume and a much smaller percentage of the total flood volume in the twin cities area. Since the fill is behind the levee it will not block flows and will not create any measurable increase in upstream or downstream flooding based on the HEC-RAS hydraulic model for the basin. Project (Phase 1) is planned to be completed Summer 2014.
Flood Hazard Reduction Benefits -- Completion of Phase 1 at the Airport will provide immediate and critical additional flood protection to the airport facility and to the most active complex of retail stores in Lewis County which generate approximately $550,000 per day in sales income with significant accompanying tax revenue. This improvement will provide a level of protection against flooding up to events similar to the one experienced in 2007 which was the fourth highest flood of record at the Centralia Mellen Street gauge.
Description -- Phase 1 (levee base improvement) involves expanding the inside width of the existing levee without increasing levee elevation or causing any measurable adverse impact or effect. Phase 1 will improve the base of the levee and result in an additional 32 acre feet of fill inside the existing levee. The fill required for this levee project is less than one percent of the overall airport property volume and a much smaller percentage of the total flood volume in the twin cities area. Since the fill is behind the levee it will not block flows and will not create any measurable increase in upstream or downstream flooding based on the HEC-RAS hydraulic model for the basin. Project (Phase 1) is planned to be completed Summer 2014.
Flood Hazard Reduction Benefits -- Completion of Phase 1 at the Airport will provide immediate and critical additional flood protection to the airport facility and to the most active complex of retail stores in Lewis County which generate approximately $550,000 per day in sales income with significant accompanying tax revenue. This improvement will provide a level of protection against flooding up to events similar to the one experienced in 2007 which was the fourth highest flood of record at the Centralia Mellen Street gauge.