The objective of this project is to produce a preliminary levee design for Aberdeen and Hoquiam and an associated binding CLOMR. A CLOMR (Conditional Letter of Map Revision) is a legally-binding document guaranteeing that if a levee system is built as submitted to FEMA, and is in agreement with effective FEMA models and maps at the time of construction, it will result in a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for the protected area. A CLOMR is the first step towards an eventual LOMR for removing areas of Aberdeen and Hoquiam from the floodplain and placing them in a mapped Zone X, eliminating mandatory flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program for mortgages while also providing comprehensive protection to frequently flooded areas. The Aberdeen-Hoquiam levee system will include a levee and interior drainage pump system as required by FEMA. In addition, to account for potential future sea level rise, the levee design height will be increased wherever feasible. The goal is to anticipate future conditions and maximize the lifespan of the levee, maximizing the value of the investment and benefit to the community. Additionally, the Cities of Aberdeen and Hoquiam and the Levee Design Team will work proactively with local, state, and federal authorities to identify, understand, and document regulatory requirements for future construction and operation of the levee system.
This project is proposed to occur in conjunction with the Timberworks Coastal Resiliency Master