Organization | Chehalis Basin Lead Entity |
Sponsor | Grays Harbor Conservation District |
Status | Planned |
Schedule |
Category | Category: Restoration |
This proposed reach is located 12 miles from Grays Harbor on the Chehalis Mainstem. Located near the bottom of the Chehalis Basin, flooding in this area is influenced not only from the river's natural flow regime which can bring upwards of 100,000 cubic feet per second in flood stage, but also experiences strong tidal fluctuations twice daily of as much as 10 vertical feet. Flooding and erosive forces can be extreme, particularly when high water events and high tides converge. This project proposes to stabilize eroded banks, which would likely include bioengineered structures, regrading, and riparian buffers. Forested wetlands could be protected and/or enhanced for habitat to ensure ongoing floodplain access.
Land use in this reach is dominated by agriculture, with scattered residences and forestlands, while the landscape downstream is predominantly intact forestlands and surge plains. Roughly half of the riparian zone in the proposed reach is denuded of vegetation and experiencing significant erosion. This is contributing to sedimentation (impairing water quality) and degraded habitat conditions for aquatic life. One large property owner has lost over an acre of agricultural soils to erosion, amounting to a 20-30 foot width of agricultural land, for a length of over 2,000 feet. The landowners report a decline in the fish observed in the river.
Arland Road serves as the only access route for landowners. The road floods frequently in two locations where the elevation dips, forcing the landowners to evacuate their home when high waters are predicted, typically a couple of times each year. This project proposes to install culverts and raise the road in two low areas to preserve floodplain connectivity while enabling safe access for landowners.
The Chehalis Basin Salmon Habitat Restoration and Preservation Strategy for WRIA 22 and 23 describes 7 strategies for addressing the limiting factors of greatest concern within the Chehalis Basin (See pages 3-6). This proposed project aligns most closely with the following strategies:
Attain a healthy and diverse population of wild salmonids
Possible actions include enhancement of instream and off channel habitat for salmon stocks that are depressed in the Chehalis River, including fall and summer chinook, winter steelhead, and bull trout.
Restore properly functioning hydrology
Possible actions include protection and enhancement of forested wetlands in the floodplain.
Restore and preserve properly functioning riparian areas
Possible actions include restoring rip
Type | Date | Funding Org | Funding Program | Match | Amount |
Grant Project Agreement Totals | Proposed | Requested | Allocated | Spent | Balance |
Type | Date | Funding Org | Funding Program | Match | Amount |
Other Funding Totals | Proposed | Requested | Allocated | Spent | Balance |
Grand Totals | Proposed | Requested | Allocated | Spent | Balance |
Chehalis GSU: | Tidal Zone |
Chinook-Pop (ESU): | Chinook-Washington Coast, Not Warranted |
Chum-Pop (ESU): | Chum-Pacific Coast, Not Warranted |
Coho-Pop (ESU): | Coho-Southwest Washington, Not Determined |
County: | Grays Harbor |
HUC12: | Elliot Slough-Chehalis River (171001040407) |
HUC8: | Lower Chehalis (17100104) |
Lead Entity Area: | Chehalis Basin |
Legislative District: | 19 |
Salmon Recovery Regions: | Washington Coast |
Sections: | 18 |
Sections: | 23 |
Steelhead-Pop (ESU): | Steelhead-Washington Coast, Not Warranted |
Township: | T17NR07W |
Township: | T17NR08W |
Watershed Administrative Unit: | Chehalis Sloughs |
WRIA: | Lower Chehalis |
![]() | Chehalis RM 11.0-13.0_Early Action_Conceptual Project |