The "Chehalis Basin Salmon Habitat Restoration and Preservation Strategy for WRIA 22 and 23, 2011" identifies reduced shade, excessive aggradation of fine sediment in the stream channel and low rates of natural large woody debris as significant problems within the basin that are caused by degradation of stream adjacent riparian buffers. Lewis County Conservation District is conducting an ongoing assessment of the riparian conditions of the Chehalis Basin that suggests there are over 500 sites in the Chehalis Basin with degraded riparian areas that are contributing to these identified problems. The proposed project site is typical of these degraded riparian areas and consists of an agricultural field that extends to the banks of the Chehalis River and has experienced excessive erosion has degraded salmonid habitat in the project area, as well as downstream reaches. This proposed project will develop an appropriate restoration strategy, to include all required permitting and engineering, to address the causes of the identified problems at this site. Additionally, the landowners at the site are committed to using the completed project as a publicly accessible demonstration site to serve as a catalyst for implementation of similar projects.
The “Chehalis Basin Salmon Habitat Restoration and Preservation Strategy for WRIA 22 and 23, 2011” identifies reduced shade, excessive aggradation of fine sediment in the stream channel and low rates of natural large woody debris as significant problems within the basin that are caused by degradation of stream adjacent riparian buffers. Lewis County Conservation District is conducting an ongoing assessment of the riparian conditions of the Chehalis Basin that suggests there are over 500 sites in the Chehalis Basin with degraded riparian areas that are contributing to these identified problems. The proposed project site is typical of these degraded riparian areas and consists of an agricultural field that extends to the banks of the Chehalis River and has experienced excessive erosion has degraded salmonid habitat in the project area, as well as downstream reaches. This proposed project will develop an appropriate restoration strategy, to include all required permitting and engineering, to address the causes of the identified problems at this site. Additionally, the landowners at the site are committed to using the completed project as a publicly accessible demonstration site to serve as a catalyst for implementation of similar projects.
This project was not approved for SRFB funding in 2013 and is in wastebasket status in PRISM.