Proposed project will stabilize approximately 750 linear feet of a currently unstable, eroding bank using environmentally friendly measures for soft bank armoring. The project site is located, along the west portion of the bank, immediately upstream of the Ceres Hill Road Bridge #102, at river mile 90 of the Chehalis River; legal description NW 1/4 of Section 23, Township 13N Range 4W.
Potential soft bank armoring techniques considered may include a log toe with rock overlain with soil wraps and vegetative plantings or a brush mattress, barbs, groins, an engineered log jam and/or equivalent techniques. The proposed project will provide erosion control of the stream bank as well as a stable riparian corridor. This reach of the Chehalis River provides spawning habitat for Chinook salmon, rearing habitat for coho salmon and both spawning and rearing habitat for steelhead trout.
Items required are:
1. Survey - 2012
2. Engineered Design - 2012-2013
3. Environmental Permitting - 2013
4. Easement or Acquisition of Right of Way - 2013
5. Construction - 2013-2014