The Adopt A Stream Foundation (AASF) will replace a service road with a 71-inch-wide and a 48-inch-wide fish barrier culverts culverts with a 12' X 42' pre-fabricated bridge crossing North Creek in Snohomish County's McCollum Park. The location is 600-128th St SE, Everett WA. The objective is to remove salmon migration barrier ID 102N196 and widen the floodplain, providing increased salmon spawning and rearing habitat. North Creek is an approximately 12.6-mile long tributary to the Sammamish River, flowing from Everett and through both Mill Creek, and Bothell.
Immediately upstream (160-feet), WDOT is scheduled (summer of 2022) to replace a 71-inch-wide fish barrier culvert (ID 102N183) located under SR 96 with a 23-foot-wide bridge. The cultural resource analysis for the WSOT project is applicable to the AASF project. In addition, WDOT hydraulic analysis for the WDOT project will be provided to AASF; preliminary data indicates that the two downstream culverts will become more significant fish migration barriers unless they are removed.
According to a 2001 WDFW survey, upstream from SR96, there is 2.66-miles of potential North Cr. fish habitat. 2.47 miles in the main-stem, and 0.19 miles on an unnamed tributary. The overall goal of AASF/WDOT efforts is to provide salmon access to that habitat. Benefitting species include Chinook and Coho salmon, as well as resident cutthroat trout. Sockeye salmon are found downstream, and Steelhead have been observed in the creek.